Mar 12 / 2019
BEAUMONT TX - The Harbor Foundation will proudly host their 10th Annual Butterfly Release on Saturday, April 27th 2019 at Doggett Ford Park from 11am-2pm.
As always, the entire community is invited with free admission to an incredible event. In response to the ever-growing crowd that attends, Harbor Foundation has rented out the entire exhibit hall of Doggett Ford Park. Free food and free children activities will be hosted by local area businesses. Past years events have included food and activities such as links, pizza, sno-cones, face painting, art & crafts, carnival-style games, and more.
The actual butterfly release and ceremony will take place at 1:45 pm on the grassy portion of the Doggett Ford Park fair grounds. This gives families a chance to release a butterfly in honor of a loved one that has passed, while celebrating the beauty of the present. With over 1,200 butterflies, this year’s release will be something you don’t want to miss. Every butterfly holds a unique meaning to those releasing. Those attending are able to participate in such a unique event. They can commemorate someone or something special while also supporting their community.
Event t-shirts and butterflies are available at www.harborfoundation.com and will be sold at the event while supplies last.
Sponsorships are also available for memorials, businesses and corporations in the denominations of $2,000 $1,500, $1,000, $500 and $250.
For event updates, please visit www.facebook.com/harborfoundation.
Doggett Ford Park Entertainment Complex is a multi-purpose facility comprised of an arena, pavilion, exhibit hall, midway, and baseball/softball fields. Spectra provides Venue Management and Food Services & Hospitality at Doggett Ford Park Entertainment Complex.
About Spectra
Spectra is an industry leader in hosting and entertainment, partnering with clients to create memorable experiences for millions of visitors every year. Spectra’s unmatched blend of integrated services delivers incremental value for clients through several primary areas of expertise: Venue Management, Food Services & Hospitality, and Partnerships. Learn more at SpectraExperiences.com.